King's Sponsorship Page

1/6/25 ~~~MEDICAL HOLD ~~~ King is doing 1000% better than when he first arrived. Ear and UTI infections are cleared up and fleas treated. He has gained about 10 pounds (up to 60lbs today)! Still a few more to go. Blood work has shown us some kidney issues and we are waiting to see if that is improved, staying the same or declining. He remains a good eater, happy and carefree with being a spunky old man. ~~~~MEDICAL HOLD~~~~~ Welcome the mighty King! He came to us as a by product of divorce as a 12 and a half year old needing a soft place to land and in need of some help. King arrived on Black Friday with fleas, double ear infections and a raging UTI that has probably reached his kidneys and prostate since he is an intact male and in need of some groceries. We working closely with vets to get him healthier. Since being in foster care, King has shown himself to be a happier and rather energetic old man. He is sweet and kind, great with the other dogs and cats. King would make a wonderful addition to almost any family providing you are able to care for the King that he is.

King's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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Recurring Sponsorship
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