Emma's Sponsorship Page


Hi!! Emma here!  I’m back at LEARN through no fault of my own. My adopter decided I had too much pep for her. I’m eight years old and was raised with my sister Creampuff, you may remember her. Sadly she passed away recently from cancer. So, here I am, back in foster care with a great lab who lets me lick her and snuggle with her. There are cats here and I don’t bother them either. I definitely want to be the center of attention though, and love to lay next to my foster mom and get lots of pets! I love being outside if someone is with me, otherwise I’ll do my business and come back in. I’m working on my leash manners and would love to have a fenced in yard where I can wander and explore. I love to eat and am food motivated. I bark when I’m excited about food coming and to go out. I'm looking for my FOREVER, FOREVER family. Could that be you?

1/03/24: I've settled into my foster home very nicely. I love to cuddle next to whomever is on the couch, whether it's my fostermom, my sister, Creampuff or anyone else! I continue to shower everyone with big wet kisses. I also spend time bathing Creampuff and Sadie (my foster sibling). I am food motivated and have learned to sit pretty well. My leash training is going a bit slower because I love to be outside and am not patient about getting there. Once I'm outside I walk nicely. I would love a fenced in yard, so I can run around and be outside for longer periods of time. I had a physical and it went very well. I have a few lumps but they're nothing to worry about but I do need to lose a few pounds. My sister and I are ready for our new forever home! Is it with you?

10/27/23:  Hi! My name is Emma and I've been in my foster home for about 5 days. I'm very attached to my sister, Creampuff, so wherever I go, she needs to go too. I am friendly, outgoing and have been told that I have the spirit of a much younger dog! I love to snuggle and have my belly rubbed. If you stop rubbing before I’m ready, I’ll let you know! I’ll also give really big juicy kisses, so get ready!  I get along really well with my foster sister. I also ignore the house cats, so a home with cats would be fine.  I am house trained and haven't had any accidents at all. I am allowed access to the whole house and do not need to be in a crate.

I am waiting to see a doctor to to have a physical and update my vaccines.. Please come back and check on me (and Creampuff) soon! You might be exactly who we're waiting for to be our forever family!


Emma's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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