Labrador Retriever : : Female (spayed) Learn more about the Labrador Retriever.
1/3/25 Hey there, friends! Chica checking in! Hope you all had a fantastic holiday season! I sure did! So many thrilling new adventures! First off, my fabulous foster mom whisked me away to Tractor Supply, and guess what? I totally rocked it! No fear here - just tails wagging and a whole lot of "oohs" and "aahs" from everyone who met me! They all agreed I’m the sweetest pup around! But the real excitement? A super long car ride to meet my human foster sister and her pack, which includes three pawsome male yellow labs! We hit up a dog park, and oh boy, it was a playground for my nose! I zoomed around, sniffing every corner. I tried to play fetch, but Lambeau (resident dog) was like a furry rocket—way too fast for me! Once we got to their house, it was a bit of a wild party—louder than I’m used to, but I adapted in no time. Watching all the dogs play was so much fun! I even tried to snag their toys, but look out—I learned quickly that they weren't giving them up without a fight! Plus, I think Charlie has a little crush on me. He followed my every move! Who knew having a brother or sister to romp around with could be so much fun? Recently, for the first time, I noticed the squirrels in the back yard and wanted to go play with them, unfortunately my foster mom was at the other end of the lead so I didn’t get very far. I’m becoming quite the stair master, although I tread carefully. And let’s talk about playtime! My eyes light up when I get to wrestle with my stuffies. Currently, I’ve got a ducky, a bunny, and a squirrel thanks to my foster sister. You should see me go! Once, I was so pumped I leaped over the couch instead of going around it—foster mom was half-scolding, half-laughing! My crate is still my chill zone, but honestly, I prefer snuggling on the soft spots my foster mom claims as her own. She even lets me roam around when she leaves for a bit—such trust! My foster sister’s family has had lots of labs, and they all agree—I'm the sweetest of them all! I’m a big fan of snuggles and love showering my affection on everyone around. If you think you could be my forever home and you’re already approved, send a note to so we can meet! If you haven’t gotten approved yet, no worries—start the process here. Remember, I’m CHICA, and I can’t wait to meet my family!
Hello there, I'm Chica, a 7 and a 1/2 year old breeder release. It was really scary at first because of so many changes all at once, but I am adjusting to this warm (literally) and cushy environment, really well. I haven't had any accidents in the house except for a few piddles if I'm scared. I don't let my foster mom know when I need to go out yet, but she says we are going to work on that. Right now, she just takes me out every couple of hours. When outside, I'm always on a leash/lead because I live in the country on a lot of land. I don’t want to get lost and I have been told there are dangerous animals out there I don't want to meet. I'm starting to explore a little around the house and search out my foster mom when she is in a different room. When I find her, I get some extra attention and sometimes almost fall asleep with all the loving I get. Foster mom has been patient with me and coaxes me to try new things with treats and a toy ducky I love! I even went up the stairs to the second floor to get it. Of course, coming back down was a challenge, but I followed my ducky down with my foster moms's help (we'll be working on stairs more). While up stairs, I also discovered a couple of beds which are way bigger than mine and a little bit more cushy. I jumped right up and made myself comfortable. I love this new life! I am crate trained, but have only been in my crate for bedtime the first night with the door open. My crate is my safe place if I need it, but I don’t really need it because I prefer to be with my foster mama. When mom leaves me to go to the store, she also puts me in there because she is unsure about leaving me free-roaming the house, yet. When I go outside, I have my nose to the ground sniffing all the new smells, but sometimes I'm not paying attention and cross over in front of my foster mom and tangle us up. Oops! Mom got a harness for me and it helps, but also has a "Gentle Leader" which she says we are going to work with. Foster mom also wanted to see if I would get in the car and I surprised her and jumped right in the back seat and came out after a ride with no problems. The hard part for my foster mom was getting me out the service door and into the garage. Some guys dressed in orange, just like my new harness, came to meet me and it took me a while to warm up to them, but today they stopped again and gave me lovin’! They even told me I have changed sooo much in the last couple of days! I’m so much more confident and trusting. I know simple commands such as sit, wait, and down. It's only me and my foster mom, but I sit and wait for my food until mom gives me the okay to eat and I let her pet me while I am eating. We need to work on some more commands, but I’m smart and will catch on quickly! I had an ear infection when my foster mom picked me up and I have been really good when she cleans my ears in the mornings and puts medicine in them at bedtime. I am scheduled for my spaying December 2nd and even have a cute leopard outfit I get to wear afterwards, while I recover. My foster mom calls me a “good girl” A LOT and says the best description of me is ADORABLE. I do have sad eyes often, but have started smiling some and my eyes do sparkle, especially when my foster mom plays with me and my ducky. |