How You Can Help

We are 100% volunteer based, all donations go directly toward our Labs in foster care.


There are lots of other things on our wish list besides money. Check out some of these opportunities!

Donate your Rebate Checks

Many manufacturers have rebate programs for merchandise purchases.  Let L.E.A.R.N. put your rebate check to great use saving Labs lives.  Consider donating your Heartgard, Interceptor or any other rebate check to L.E.A.R.N. to be used to offset Veterinary expenses for Labs to prepare them for adoption.  All amounts are welcome and will be used to help L.E.A.R.N. foster dogs.

Mail to:   

140 Simmons Avenue Box 323
Pewaukee, WI 53072

Sponsor a Lab

If you cannot adopt but would still like to contribute to our organization, please consider sponsoring one of our Labs in foster care.

Affliate Programs

Support L.E.A.R.N. by shopping and using programs that also support L.E.A.R.N. 

Volunteer Opportunities

We need volunteers to help with many things. These include fostering, FUNdraising, doing reference checks for potential adopters, transporting dogs or supplies, working with local shelters, promotional events, adoption follow-up, dog temperament evaluation, and many other activities. Check out some of these opportunities, or complete a Volunteer Application!

Become a Foster Home

Foster homes are the backbone of our organization. The more foster homes in our network, the more Labs we can save.


The first three letters are in the word FUNdraising are FUN!  Check out the following opportunites to help us continue to rescue unwanted Labradors and place them permanent loving homes.